How is being a health care consumer like buying a TV? If we all need car insurance in order to drive a car, why is health insurance so controversial? In this episode, our own MS4 Daniel Imas runs the show with Professor Diane Hoffmann from the University of Maryland School of Law and Dr. Neda Frayha. Listen in and join their discussion about the health care markets and how physicians can help our patients navigate this stressful landscape.
Health care policy has been all over the news in 2017. Throughout the spring, summer, and fall of this year, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has been a major focus for President Trump and some members of the U.S. House and Senate. In this episode, Dr. Norman Retener explains current events in health care policy (think AHCA, BCRA, skinny repeal, and Graham-Cassidy) in a way that's clear, understandable, and applicable to all of us as we care for patients. As usual, this conversation between Dr. Retener and Dr. Frayha reflects only their views and does not represent the School of Medicine or the University of Maryland at large.
The Affordable Care Act - and what might happen to it - has been all over the news lately. In this episode, we explain the basics of the ACA, some of its successes and challenges, and what the future might hold for health care coverage in the United States. This is part 1 of an ongoing health policy conversation featuring Dr. Norman Retener, a hospitalist and medical educator at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Come for the important topic; stay because Norman makes it fun and easy to understand.